Ancestors weather warnings
Hoia-Baciu, is certainly the most famous location in Romania, where they were investigated and analyzed a series of totally unexplained phenomena. The area itself has become truly famous worldwide by only since 1968, although locals knew of its existence since ancient times, wary of it as a bad place where things happen over power deal the common man. Everyone knew that when they enter the ancestors whose rustling among the trees seem to come from another world, all human subconscious fears, suddenly come to life and appear in the path of that reckless enough to venture into this place. Since ancient times, the locals around the Hoia-Baciu forest observed first hand that once they entered the forest to cut firewood, mow the grass for the animals or pick berries or mushrooms, something strange happens with absolutely any of them.
Since its first steps among the trees, the villagers find themselves assaulted by unexplained feelings of nausea, anxiety, nausea, headaches and even skin burns occurred. For a long time, Baciu forest in western city of Cluj-Napoca has remained a taboo, people are afraid to bring up a place in their hearts believe it fell under a heavy curse, or worse, the very dwelling place of Evil. One who has taken a real pioneering work at that time to study paranormal phenomena oak forest was Sift biologist Alexander (1936-1993).
Sift teacher was attracted to fame Baciu forest, being intrigued by the incredible stories and stories he heard from the locals. In the decade of the 1950s, he undertook numerous trips into the woods, observing every trip into the trees, a series of strange shadows accompanying him. Fire brave, did not abandon research, managed to photograph the "umbrella". Surprises have appeared since the photographic film development staff could be seen, besides the "umbrella" in case, many other shapes, lights and figures that the human eye could not see. Sift's research continued until the threshold of the 1960s, when more and more researchers have taken Roman trials and had to be attracted by Baciu forest exploration.

UFO full-fledged
On 18 August 1968, the military technician Emil Barnea aged 45 years, disregarding the villagers are in the forest to spend Baciu sapatamana one end of town away from it. Together with him were his girlfriend at the time, Matthew Zamfira family and two other friends who wished to remain anonymous. Around 13.00, while he was in search of firewood, found itself suddenly cried Emil Barnea friends. Back to meadow, with his friends, Emil Barnea grabbed what seemed to see a UFO fly over at low speed Baciu forest, without uttering any sound. Strange flying machine suddenly began to glow, making an air maneuver rastunare. Without warning, the UFO sped into the sky in a slightly oblique direction. Chasing him through the camera viewfinder, Emil Barnea managed to surprise him in three frames. After development of film technician Cluj contemplated with amazement photos of what international experts over the years you had to classify UFO phenomenology as "the clearest images of a UFO photographed in Romania and no doubt some of the best UFO pictures of any camera ever in the world. "

Baciu Forest continues to fascinate, especially due to reports of eyewitnesses who said he can see the most bizarre phenomena such as unexplained physical sensations, observations of various shapes and colors of lights, shadows, strange voices and human faces. The area soon becomes famous among specialists in the paranormal and esoteric in the world, whole teams of renowned researchers from Germany, France, the United States and Hungary Baciu forest in full by visiting the communist period, and managed to catch the film next to us inexplicable ...
With the camera paranormal ...
Once inside Baciu forest, you feel very stressed as you watched that from behind every tree, thousands of invisible beings staring at you as one who got on their land. This feeling is present at all those who stepped in strange woods. Hunters, tourists, officials, researchers, children, people with psychic or simply curious. Researcher Adrian square of Cluj-Napoca and has devoted a good part of his life studying and investigating the paranormal phenomenology of the forest and is now considered the authorized person regarding Baciu forest mysteries.
According to materials gathered by Adrian square decades of observations, appearances are part of a wide range of paranormal events, which makes difficult their classification in one subgenre or unknown chapter of phenomenology.First, Baciu forest is famous for his appearances. Immaterial and material structures of various shapes appear in front of curious onlookers, be it night or noon. Most are invisible to the human eye, but was caught by the cameras or camera. Some esoteric believe that spirits are nothing but representations that inhabit parallel universes. Next in line magnetic anomalies, electromagnetic field fluctuations, infrasound emissions. Among the most shocking events, there is also no explanation marks that appear on the ground, snow or grass directly under the eyes of viewers. Neither the living world has not escaped unaffected by the mysteries of the forest, manifesting the biological effects on plants and vegetation that present forms of dehydration, burns and necrosis of the stems and leaves of certain areas of the forest.
People who accidentally passing through the right active areas (considered as real initiates crossing gates to other planes) find themselves with skin burns, redness, irritation, headaches, feeling amplified by thirst, anxiety, fainting. The appearances are typical of those shaping the sky above the forest. Suddenly, everybody in the sky, flying, geometric form of pyramids, spheres, cylinders, cones, cubes. These geometric shapes that would not normally look in the sky, were photographed and filmed hundreds of times. The most spectacular are the UFO-shaped, pre-or quasi-UFO UFO. Forest is also famous because of its fixed boundaries, UFOs invisible to the human eye but can be photographed, are more numerous than UFOs to the naked eye.
Nowhere on Earth has not identified a location with these characteristics. Appearances that produce the greatest fears most curious are those humanoid. It seems like everywhere in the forest there is human heads that lurk in the invisible. As in the case of UFOs, the vast majority were seen in the photos. Many tourists who take pictures of the family have fallen prey to terror when they developed and found they were not alone in the forest, dozens of heads are sometimes crowding-in photographs. For a touch of macabre photographs have been identified including figures of deceased persons ... Another aspect worth mentioning, is related to transitional states between gamma and beta radiation, amplified by magnetic distortion often associated with the appearance of translucent humanoid silhouettes, white.

The gateway to other worlds
In 1993, researcher Adrian Baciu forest Fourth identified in a special area which he called an "active social Item 3. The area in question seems to be the center of maximum activity for paranormal phenomena observed in the heart of Transylvania. Researches so far have led to the establishment of the following conclusions:
The phenomena of Hoia-Baciu are generally discrete but continuous in time.
Forest itself, offers more data than amateur ghost researchers.
The phenomena are clearly evident, being challenged even by the most skeptical scientists.
It seems that there is a connection between the presence in the forest of people with psychic phenomena and mysterious appearance.
Paranormal phenomena is a fluctuating frequency, causes fluctuations are not fully revealed. There is also a general consensus among specialists in parapsychology, according to which Hoia-Baciu is a "gateway" through which interdimensional spirits, be they of the recently dead or still neincarnati, can enter the material and physical size of the planet Earth . But insiders say that the esoteric sciences Hoia-Baciu Forest as a gateway between the terrestrial and the astral plane, the intermediate somewhat similar to Dante's Purgatory, where souls of the deceased was standing for 40 days, during which their fate is decided and it is judged facts ...
Baciu forest recorded phenomena are not unique in the world. Map places on Earth that contain areas with similar phenomena, and includes the Mojave Desert Breeze Gloful U.S. Arenzano La Spezia, Italy, Norway Hessdalen Valley, Belo Horizonte in Brazil, Mount Kailas in Tibet. However, Baciu Hoia-is considered by all the great psychics, the most important area of the event on the entire planet parapsychological phenomena.
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