There was really, really, Atlantis? And if the answer is yes, where should it look? While Jules Verne described the future using their imagination, new, on the contrary, our task is to discover the reality that the foundation of what later was thought to be only imagination.
Between fable and truthWhen disaster struck, he did it with terrifying swiftness. It started with a massive earthquake, followed by a giant tsunami wave that swept almost the entire island. The survivors lived to witness just how an even greater horrors. Powerless before unleashed hard circumstances, the island sank completely.
This was the fate of Atlantis - at least according to Plato's words. Even today, after almost 2,400 years since the birth legend, retelling they lose nothing spectacular and tragic.
Plato Greek philosopher best known works (427-247 BC), the legend of Atlantis refers to a highly advanced civilization ("a fairy land, peaceful, prosperous, with monumental buildings and high technology, created by a superior civilization" ) who died following a large-scale disaster.
Some bizarre structures found at the bottom of the Mediterranean, near the coast of Cyprus, were designated in 2004 as vestiges of the city disappeared. But a more likely location of Atlantis is expected to be a small portion of the right Strait of Gibraltar - the island hypothesis Spartel restored earlier this year.
Project director, Dr. Marc-Andre Gutscher, the European Institute of Marine Studies in PLOUZANE, France, believes that the similarity between the legend and reality is striking geological discovered: "The possibility that a large magnitude earthquake and a tsunami wave to devastate geographic region chosen by Plato for the legend appears to be more than a coincidence. "
Since the lifetime of the Greek philosopher, his story about the submerged city-fortress was considered implausible in several respects, including being one even skeptical (as) famous pupil of Plato, Aristotle. There were many, however, those who believed the story. "Plato said flat out that niciegiptenii - which sent the Greek legend of Atlantis - not its creators, the text is translated into their language from an earlier source and a remaining unknown language," says Professor Robert Sarmast, author of " Discovery of Atlantis ".
Plato puts it sinking event "... the 9,000 years before Solon" - Athenian politician who lived around 600 BC - Ie about 11,610 years ago, a period which have not kept any written evidence.
In these circumstances, it is not surprising that the description of a "highly advanced civilizations", located in a "thriving metropolis, with golden walls," caused so much doubt.
FACTS. Plato Atlantis to be devised?
If so, why? In his work, the philosopher has always made the difference between myth and reality.
- Born in Athens in 427 BC, Plato is recognized as the founder of classical philosophy (and the greatest philosopher of all time), the pupil of Socrates and teacher of Aristotle.
- In two of his famous dialogues, "Timaeus" and "Crito" philosopher argued that the old civilization of the Atlanteans had ties to the Athenian, which preceded it.
- Plato described Atlantis as an island about 15 km diameter "hosting a town surrounded by a huge circular wall."
- "Inside they found a series of concentric rings of stone and water channels," the latter being used by commercial ships to enter the city..
- Plato offers extensive details on the form and dimensions of structures, while others are only sketched and left in the fog. Also, the philosopher does not tell us much about the technologies most Atlanteans, stating only that they were very advanced,extra-terrestrial.
- In addition, he evokes the lyrical, metaphorical, in full pages, sewage system and the hot and cold water supply of the city.
- Is it all mere fables? Plato argues that his account is based on a description obtained by the great statesman Solon Athenian from Egyptian priests during his travels in the land of pyramids.
Based on a variety of contradictory arguments, placing Atlantis was made, the history in many parts of the world. In 1882, the statesman and writer Ignatius Donnelly American made perhaps the most relevant attempt to follow more closely the thread legend, even placing Atlantis in the Atlantic Ocean. According to his deduction, ingenious inhabitants of Atlantis had invented gunpowder and include highly advanced agricultural techniques.
These views bold fascinated the public, but many intellectuals remain skeptical. State of affairs changed in 1939 when the Greek archaeologist Spyridon Marinatos supported the idea that originated the legend of Atlantis sinking into a real event: the disappearance of an island after a volcanic eruption.
So, Plato's story to the attention of archaeologists returned and historians worldwide. First, Marinatos proposed as the site of Thera disaster - an island that existed beyond the Columns of Hercules, as Plato called the Gibraltar Strait. The same researcher said that on that island was a volcanic eruption of the giant, which placed it around 1500 BC - About 900 years before Solon, and not 9000, as Plato says. In addition, linking volcanic eruption on the island of Thera and the disappearance of the famous Minoan civilization, a civilization Marinatos existing credit granted advanced died in the disaster.
In the 90s of last century, Robert Sarmast claimed that Atlantis would be located about 80 kilometers southeast of the island of Cyprus and that it was destroyed during flooding in the Mediterranean, about 12,000 years ago. In 2004, Professor Sarmast has released images of bizarre structures discovered during a dive up to 1,500 meters deep. "These pictures show what I think is the oldest structure built by man," he said.
Sarmast is not afraid to admit that there are many gaps in his theory. Some geologists contraargumenteaza the Mediterranean basin was flooded by more than 5 million years ago and that so-called "man-made structures" are all natural. Even so, hopes to produce evidence Sarmast decisive in the near future. "Our intention is to send a probe remotely operated or even a prototype manned submarine to investigate these structures so that people can see the remains of Atlantis."
Although his ideas have attracted the interest of public Sarmast, right now scientists are concerned to investigate a theory of art that is much closer to Plato's description. In 2001, Dr. Jacques Collina-Girard, the French Mediterranean University, said a fact relatively overlooked by other specialists, namely that in about 12,000 years ago, there was indeed an island just beyond the Columns of Hercules.
Following the last ice age, the island is currently Spartel completely under water after the ocean was covered up. Collina-Girard Dr. highlighted the fact that Spartel is a highly active area in terms of seismic and tsunami waves sweep - just the type of natural disasters supposedly destroyed Atlantis.
Could Plato's account, so challenged over time, true anyway? The latest research made the gift to the plot. Marc-Andre Gutscher revealed that ocean floor sediments indicate the occurrence of a devastating earthquake in that region 12,000 years ago and the resulting tsunami would have reached heights over 20 meters. On the other hand, the signs say that the island had not Spartel a diameter greater than 500 meters. According to geologist Professor Floyd McCoy of the University of Hawaii, is necessary analysis of rocks in the region to give a final verdict. Floyd jokes: "Please note that refer only to rocks. I buy a meal at the restaurant if you find any archaeological relic."
Nobody makes illusions that Plato's story - including descriptions of large ports, of some temples and a land ruled by the sons of Poseidon - will come true entirely. But it becomes increasingly likely that the story to refer to a real event - an extinct civilization, produced in prehistoric times.
Thus, the legend of Atlantis could be interpreted as a warning sent over millennia about the indifference and helplessness of men in front of natural phenomena. As showed the terrible havoc that took place not long ago in the Indian Ocean, we are not able to control these forces even today. How could you do Atlanteans over 12,000 years ago?
Over time, historians have been faced with many mysteries like that of Atlantis. For example, the disappearance of Akkadian culture, which flourished in the center of the current Iraq 4,000 years ago, remained a mystery until 2001, when satellite images taken in the area revealed the existence of a form of relief with a diameter of 3 km that leads to think of a crater. The images suggest that the Middle East was hit by a meteorite which devastated the region with a force equivalent to those obtained by detonation of a hundred hydrogen bombs.
Now about 3,600 years, settlements on Thera, a volcanic island in the Mediterranean, were destroyed by a rash followed by a giant tsunami. It seems that this disaster has caused the disappearance and collapse of Minoan civilization & the island of Crete.
Many scientists today believe that Atlantis has perished about 12,000 years ago. If so, this time could make the connection between the sinking of Atlantis and the flood biblic.Istorisiri on a flood of water that covered the Earth are found in the mythologies of many ancient cultures. Scientifically, the flood would explain the increase in sea level by 100 meters, following an abrupt warming of the climate. 12,000 years ago, this has led to melting ice galloping. Prospecting accredit the idea that the flood affected in different proportions across Europe and part of Asia, the epicenter of the disaster being in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. But for people who have lived and have survived, obviously such a calamity was universal equivalent.
Atlantis through the eyes of a clairvoyant
In 1927, Edgar Cayce, a famous American clairvoyant, said he is aware of the location of the famous lost cities. During his hypnotic trances, Cayce described in great detail an advanced civilization that flourished near the island of Bimini in the Caribbean and has fallen victim to a horrific natural disaster. In 1940, clairvoyant made a prediction that proved to be relatively true, "vestiges of Atlantis will be discovered to late 60s." Cayce died in 1945, and his words became reality somewhat when, in 1968, were found stone blocks with inscriptions of unknown and remains of sunken marble columns near the island of Bimini. However, expert analysis showed that these columns had been built after around 1800 and they were probably building materials for the mansions of the cotton plantations of the southern United States. How did they seabed but remains a mystery.
- Bimini. Island in the Bahamas. Atlantis has been "seen" here by the American psychic Edgar Cayce's.
- Sargasso Sea. In the nineteenth century, based on evidence then challenged U.S. Congressman Ignatius Donnelly suggested that the island was submerged in this area.
- Spartel Island. In 2001, Frenchman Jacques Collina-Girard showed that 12,000 years ago, west of Gibraltar Strait island rises from the water Spartel. In 2005, Dr. Marc-Andre Gutscher argued, based on geological evidence, that the island was even Atlantis.
- Island Thera (Santorini) In 1939, Greek archaeologist Spyridon Marinatos indicated this as a possible host city island Atlanteans.
- Near the coast of Cyprus. In the late twentieth century, Professor Robert Sarmast of Atlantis located 80 kilometers away from Cyprus.
- Spitzbergen Island. Joan French astronomer Bailly has indicated a possible location of Atlantis site off the coast of Norway.
- Canary Islands. In the seventeenth century Jesuit monk Athanase Kircher for the first time formulated the hypothesis that the Canary Islands were the remains of Atlantis. Germans resumed theory in the twentieth century.
- In the heart of the Sahara. In 1919, novelist Pierre Benoit imagined a land Saharan desert sands hidden. He said he grounded his vision of a thesis century French botanist of the eighteenth century, DA Godron, which "had evidence" that the ruins of Atlantis is under the sands of North Africa.
- Heligoland Island. National-socialist theorist Arthur Rosenberg developed the thesis that Aryans were a chosen people, descendants of the Atlanteans. Rosenberg based on assumptions Professor Jurgen Spanuth, according to which the old capital of Atlantis as it was even located in the North Sea island of German.
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